Race And The Changing American Paradigm
What is the actual definition of racism? What has been the common understanding for hundreds of years? What is the definition of the mindset of racism and its extension into a racist culture that the United States fought a war to overcome, sacrificing 330,000 white boys and 168,000 black boys on the bloody battlefields of the Civil War in order to eradicate? It is simply this; the determination that the genetic racial structure of a person is what determines their success or failure—that it is what determines their worth in a variety of areas in life. That a particular race or races are genetically inferior to others, and that this prevents members of these specific races from attaining equal moral, social, educational, or economic standing as members of another race might attain, and that therefore that specific “inferior race” can justifiably be denied rights and opportunities afforded to other races. This is the strict, historical definition of racism, understood clearly by all Americans for centuries. Merriam-Webster defines racism thusly: : a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent supe ...
The Right Of Rebellion
The right of rebellion against unjust and unconstitutionally based government, and the forced replacement of said government, is enshrined in the words of our republic’s founders. It is the foundational principle on which our American republic rests. The Declaration of Independence, the seminal defining document of the creation of the American republic spells this out, defining clearly who we are as Americans: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and acc ...
Prophecy-Some Christian’s Excuse For Inaction
In today’s America we have millions of Christians who should and may well still serve as the backbone of the resistance against the globalist anti-God communism infecting us here and throughout the entire world. American Christians hold all the traditional beliefs and tenets that have historically undergirded the American national experience, and have the most to lose should we be overcome in this philosophical and political fight. The enemy seeking to overwhelm us is demonic and determined to establish anti-Christian principles and principalities to rule over us. The American Christian experience is the historical root of the American experience, and relies on the judgement and commitment of her Christians in order to preserve its very historical existence. Yet many of my fellow Christians have become enamored with believing that they have an air tight understanding of Biblical prophecy—that we are clearly in the end times—and that all the evil coming at us in the world is the will of God, who is fulfilling the end of prophetic history in our very own time, preparing the way for Christ’s immediate return. So therefore, in their minds, any type of serious resistance to modern da ...
Secession — A Fatal Error
In the midst of the current conversation regarding possible solutions to America’s deepening political divide, secession of certain states has been suggested as a way to allow Americans with disparate world views and concepts of governance to live in peace within the same national borders. I would contend that this solution would cause far more tragic consequences than those problems it might alleviate. States like Texas, with its long politically and culturally conservative tradition, have spoken of leaving the union that no longer represents their beliefs. California, Oregon, and Washington spoke of seceding in 2020 had Trump been re-elected. (In today’s America, actually winning a majority of the electoral college votes no longer assures re-election—therefore their threat of secession proved unnecessary.) If the goal of some is to gain the ability to live their collective lives separately in a secure environment that allows for a fuller expression of their beliefs—this goal cannot ultimately be successfully attained long term via secession. One has to think on a global scale when considering the makeup and security of the American Republic, and when devising means to resol ...
Declaration Of Irreconcilable Differences
The Hard Left seeks to impose on us a way of life and form of government that is antithetical to our culture, history, and founding principles. They have shown time and time again their willingness to use the power of government to attack conservatives, and appear to be quite willing and eager to employ armed members of the government and military to suppress us, knowing that if they can succeed in this effort, there is no other bulwark remaining to prevent the final destruction of our great country at their hands.In the 2020 elections, the hard left orchestrated a successful election fraud in order to unlawfully and unethically regain political power, effectively disenfranchising half of the country, stripping us of our right to participate in the democratic process. With their newfound power, it is certain that their attempts to legally, culturally, and physically marginalize us will intensify, and that they will solidify their election fraud methodology while in power in order to make our subjugation permanent. Communists historically have culturally marginalized, imprisoned, and eventually murdered their vanquished political opponents. There is no reason to think that in time ...
The Case For Christian Militancy
In the year 1070, when Pope Urban II heard the cries of the Greek Christians in their communiqués to the Pope, testifying of their terror as their fellow citizens were raped, crucified, and beheaded at the hands of the Muslim forces as they invaded traditional Christian lands— Pope Urban heard their cries. Were the Crusaders, whose force he raised to stop the atrocities, committing sin when they pursued and slew the Muslims with their swords? Would it have been more righteous to allow the rape and slaughter of the Greek Christians to continue? Would it have been a better example of Christian teaching to simply turn the other cheek? When Christ entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, the people spread palm branches on the ground in reverence. The very first thing Jesus did when he dismounted was to fashion a whip with his own hands—an act that would take a determined amount of time and effort—and proceeded to drive the moneychangers out of the sacred temple, overturning all the tables of the moneychangers and those selling doves for sacrifice. It is quite probable that what drove them out of the temple was the sting of Christ's whip on their physical bodies. Was Jesus just ca ...
The Coventry Principle And Civil War
During World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill received intelligence that the English city of Coventry, an industrial center important to the production of British war materiel, was quite soon to be bombed by the Germans. Since the intelligence had been derived from German communications via secret code, and the British had recently gained the ability to decipher the German code, Churchill did not want to alert the Germans that their code had been broken, and chose instead to leave Coventry uninformed and lightly defended against attack. 554 British citizens were killed in the subsequent bombing. Churchill was prepared to accept this short term loss of life in order to maintain the secret British ability to decipher German communications and so to ultimately win the war, avoiding much greater prolonged bloodshed and loss of life. This utilitarian view of the death of his own countrymen begs the question—is it justified to sacrifice lives in the short term in order to most certainly save many more lives in the long term? My English father was MI5 during WWII. Embedded with standard troops while positioned in the English Channel on a troop transport ship, an ident ...
On Militias
The American Constitution allows for the formation and maintenance of an armed militia, to be called up by the government in support of the constitutional government, in the furtherance of its mission to protect the rights of the American population from enemies within and without our national borders. The underlying assumption of the Founding Fathers was that the government would be faithful to the Constitution in its entirety, would constantly seek to protect the rights of American citizens, and that the government and the militia would be in one accord in the continuation of the constitutional system of government they set in place, and in the protection of these rights enshrined in the very Constitution they penned. But what is to become of the militia and its prescribed role in the protection of the country when the government sets aside its own original purpose, and in part or in the main is no longer supportive of the original constitutional system set down by the Founding Fathers? Does this mean that the militia is indebted to support such an illegitimate government according to its original mandate? Or does it mean that the militia no longer has any purpose at all, s ...
Mutual Assistance Group
Mutual Assistance Group The purpose of a Mutual Assistance Group (MAG) is to provide protection for all members and their families against multiple potential attempts to exercise unconstitutional authority by any governmental or police agency, and against potential attempts by hard leftist revolutionaries to disrupt our lives violently, threaten our security, or strip us of our God given rights. This includes but is not limited to any gun confiscation attempts against law abiding American citizens within any particular MAG. It also specifically includes red flag law enforcement—the attempt to confiscate our weapons without legal adjudication on the uncorroborated testimony of any friend, family member, or simple acquaintance, no matter their political persuasion nor their strong antipathy to our beliefs or our very existence which might serve as the predicate for their report. It also includes attempts by Black Lives Matter, Antifa, or any other anti-American hard leftist group to exercise physical domination over our neighborhoods through violence or intimidation. Additionally it includes the attempt by any governmental agency to detain and imprison any of us simply for hold ...