The right of rebellion against unjust and unconstitutionally based government, and the forced replacement of said government, is enshrined in the words of our republic’s founders. It is the foundational principle on which our American republic rests. The Declaration of Independence, the seminal defining document of the creation of the American republic spells this out, defining clearly who we are as Americans:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
In the political milieu of 2021, our current federal administration, elected through intentionally fraudulent means is proceeding to threaten, marginalize, and subjugate their conservative political enemies, those of us who hold staunchly to our original and traditional way of life and founding documents, by defining us as “domestic terrorists” as a way to marginalize and weaken us sufficiently, so that we will be sufficiently intimidated to stand down in the face of their tyranny, thus allowing them to continue unabated in their drive to strip our constitutional rights and general liberties.
A domestic terrorist, in the original and appropriate meaning, is one who seeks to weaken and destroy our founding form of constitutional government, overthrowing it for some other system not rooted in liberty and individual rights. It has not heretofore been defined, until recently by communists within our government and society, as someone who seeks to maintain and strengthen our traditional constitutional republic, yet stands against the current administration because of its attempted usurpations of our rights and founding principles. This to them now is their twisted definition of “domestic terrorist”; anyone who stands against the current administration, no matter the firm justification for doing so as defined by the Declaration of Independence.
Communists are masters of propaganda, and this current narrative reversal is designed to turn long held principles and definitions upside down; to call the truth a lie, and to call the lie a truth. It is intended to twist long held meanings and definitions into cudgels in the hand of the left to bludgeon us into submission with, as they know full well that we stand as the last American bulwark against their tyranny.
In reality, as is always the case, hard leftists accuse the right of what they themselves are actually doing, as a means to deflect from their actions and sanitize their intentions. Like the errant minister railing against sexual sin from the pulpit while visiting prostitutes on Friday night, leftists make it obvious to the observant what their true intentions and hidden actions are by what they falsely and overly aggressively accuse others of doing.
They falsely accuse Republicans of disenfranchising poor black Americans by requiring everyone to show proper identification at the polls, though every black American is able and free to obtain such identification, and in reality virtually all possess it in order to drive, enter a bar, cash a check, etc. Yet as the left rails against the right for “disenfranchising” other Americans, they themselves employed massive election fraud in the 2020 presidential election to disenfranchise up to 80 million Americans who expressed their intent to elect the candidate on the right. It is all ruse and deflection; it is pure propaganda and psychological projection, and a perverse attempt to veil their true intentions from reaching judgement in the light of day.
So then, when the left accuses the right of being domestic terrorists, exactly what manner of projection in this case are they employing? What is the actual truth behind the projected accusation? Let’s start with the Democratic Party selecting Kamala Harris to be our Vice President. Knowing that Joe Biden is suffering from some sort of accelerating dementia, it is clear to them and to all that he will not be able to serve long, and at the least will not be able to perform the duties of the office effectively while he is still there. Putting Harris in the vice presidential slot effectively makes her a potential president. Who then is Kamala Harris? In the attached article in The Epoch Times by Trevor Loudon, Mr. Loudon spells out clearly Kamala Harris’ 40 year close associations with communists and communism. These associations would be more than sufficient to deny Harris an F.B.I. background clearance, if one were still required to be elected to public office in the United States, and if the F.B.I. could still be trusted. Communism is a political form completely antithetical to the American Constitution and founding principles. Communism is the natural archenemy of the U.S. constitutional system, as it entails the stripping of freedoms, and the elevation of the power of government over the will of the people. It strips individual liberties, elevates the power of the state over the individual, and murders dissenting portions of its population wherever it is adopted in order to maintain this unjust power.
Again, a domestic terrorist, in the original and appropriate definition, is one who takes action to weaken and destroy our founding form of constitutional government, overthrowing it for some other system not rooted in personal liberty and individual rights. Any individual involved in actively promoting a form of government antithetical to the individual liberties specifically enshrined in the American Constitution by definition is working against the traditional American system of government, attempting either in word or deed to overthrow it. In common usage, the term terrorist connotes physical action; yet the left has termed everyday American conservatives as domestic terrorists, often times solely because of their conservative beliefs, which the left sees as a threat to their counterfeit version of America, which is antithetical to the Founders original intent. Those who believe in the sanctity of human life are now named as domestic terrorists. Those who voted for the candidate on the right in 2020 are “domestic terrorists.” Their basis for these accusations seems to be that anyone who stands philosophically against the leftist version of America, as opposed to the version framed by our founders in the original meaning of the Constitution, is now a domestic terrorist, and one to be pursued by the now subverted F.B.I. and Department of Homeland Security.
Keeping in mind the left’s psychological projection and deflection techniques, we of course can draw the conclusion that as they throw about their accusations of domestic terrorism against American conservatives, they know that they in reality are in the process of committing a form of actual domestic subversion, according to the original interpretation, and especially according to their own expanded definition of the word “terrorist.” Kamala Harris certainly fits this definition perfectly; she is and has been involved in the active promotion of a system of government antithetical to the American Constitution. She comes from a family of communists, takes as her friends communists, and advances policies originated in the Communist Party U.S.A., and stands against conservative Americans who staunchly oppose communism. She also encourages political violence in our streets to accomplish this systemic change. She, by doing so, places herself in the political lineage of those in communist governments who have murdered 100 million human souls, fellow citizens of their own countries, in the first century of the existence of communism.
Harris was clearly aware of the hard left’s attempt to terrorize the American public with the introduction of Covid 19 by China, a communist state, and the subsequent purposeful state and federal governmental overreach that subsequently stripped long held American liberties by inculcating unwarranted fear in the hearts of many Americans. These were and are communist inspired activities carried out by the hard left. She was also clearly aware of the election fraud her party and supporters committed, cutting at the heart of our original representative government. These are actions that she clearly supports that are meant to disenfranchise and terrorize Americans. These actions, when combined with the oppressive power of a leftist federal government gone rogue, equate to the definition of actual domestic terrorism; the use of force to overthrow the current American constitutional order. According to the original meaning of the term; no one more closely fits the definition of a domestic terrorist than do Kamala Harris and her cohorts in the Democratic Party. The left then deflects the recognition of this reality, and projects it onto those of us who are actually the antithesis of domestic terrorists; those who support our founding form of government fully, and want to return to its safe harbor of protection.
The truth is starkly the opposite of what the left in America is currently promoting. Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party need to be considered what they in reality clearly are themselves—actual domestic terrorists intent on overthrowing our great American republic, replacing it with its antithesis; the communist state. Regardless of their attempts to redefine language and long held dictionary definitions, to deflect the consideration of this reality, and to project the accusation onto others to avoid their own detection—they are in fact the domestic terrorists of whom they speak. They need to be clearly considered as such, and treated accordingly.
The Declaration of Independence speaks to all Americans in our day boldly and clearly. At no time has the federal government been more clearly aligned against the will of Americans who hold to our great constitution and founding traditions; in other words, no administration to date has been more clearly aligned against traditional America. Leftists have infiltrated our government, most of which also could not pass an F.B.I background check to even secure a federal job to sweep the halls of congress, even if this subverted agency were inclined to perform one in these cases. Leftists in our government have committed a long train of abuses, instituting a form of government destructive to the ends of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They have worked incessantly to pass legislation making the long held tenets of our Christian churches illegal, normalizing aberrant lifestyles that have long been held to be abhorrent and destructive to the very fiber of our society. They have purposely worked through propaganda to divide the races which previously had learned to coexist well, in their current attempt to sow discord and strife amongst us in order to foment revolution. They have worked and are still working to disarm Americans of the very defensive weapons that are the only bulwark against an oppressive government, following the pattern of Nazi Germany and Socialist Venezuela, who disarmed their citizenry through ‘public safety” measures, and then proceeded to oppress, terrorize, and subjugate their disarmed and helpless citizens with their own confiscated weapons. They have worked and continue to work to make certain speech illegal, in direct contravention of the first amendment of the constitution. Through massive and coordinated voter fraud, they have disenfranchised 80 million American citizens, because they could not win a national election on the merits of their perverse intentions, initiatives, and policies.
This “long train of abuses and usurpations” in an attempt to “reduce us under absolute despotism” has rendered it our right and duty to throw off this illegal and immoral form of government, and renew it in the original form of the American Republic. This can no longer be accomplished by national elections, as they have been permanently subverted and are now subject to leftist control. We must explore the original means of “throwing off an oppressive government” referred to by Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, which are the only means effectively available to us now. We must stand shoulder to shoulder and fight with arms if and when necessary in order to save and renew our great American Republic. The only other option now is our eventual complete and total subjugation.
The ridiculousness of our situation now is that, through the propaganda of the hard left and the news media, men and women who hold the positions of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other American Founders, are now today defined as domestic terrorists by our government and its subverted federal agencies. This illustrates the power of leftist propaganda, repeating lies day in and day out, until the lie becomes the truth for a large portion of the population, and the truth paradigm is completely perverted. Still the original truth of our republic holds true—that virtuous citizens have the right to self govern, and to keep their government from amassing sufficient intention and power to subjugate them.
In the lead up to World War II, the American public was slow to awaken to the genocide against the Jews taking place in Germany, and did little originally to stop the Nazi military rampage through Europe. Yet when we finally awoke, we took hard and determined kinetic action to defeat this great foe. Let us not shirk our duty today to stand against the enemies of our republic who are now inside the wire living amongst us, seeking to overthrow our country and replace it with another form of government and society, one in which we will certainly not be welcome, and where brutal prisons will be constructed to house us until we are dead.
American Renewal