The Case For Christian Militancy

In the year 1070, when Pope Urban II heard the cries of the Greek Christians in their communiqués to the Pope, testifying of their terror as their fellow citizens were raped, crucified, and beheaded at the hands of the Muslim forces as they invaded traditional Christian lands— Pope Urban heard their cries. Were the Crusaders, whose force he raised to stop the atrocities, committing sin when they pursued and slew the Muslims with their swords? Would it have been more righteous to allow the rape and slaughter of the Greek Christians to continue? Would it have been a better example of Christian teaching to simply turn the other cheek?

When Christ entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, the people spread palm branches on the ground in reverence.  The very first thing Jesus did when he dismounted was to fashion a whip with his own hands—an act that would take a determined amount of time and effort—and proceeded to drive the moneychangers out of the sacred temple, overturning all the tables of the moneychangers and those selling doves for sacrifice. It is quite probable that what drove them out of the temple was the sting of Christ’s whip on their physical bodies. Was Jesus just caught up in a moment of sinful anger and violence? The Bible teaches us that he was indeed without sin and blameless. How else could he have served as a worthy sacrificial offering sufficient for the atonement of the whole world? Would it have been a better example of his love to simply turn away at the offense or offer a non-violent rebuke? Christ chose righteous violence to right a wrong. Are we therefore necessarily to choose a different path than Jesus Christ did to right a grievous wrong we are faced with—or are we indeed free at times to imitate a portion of Christ’s character that he exhibited that particular day?

When the National Socialist Adolph Hitler and his armies invaded Europe, seeking to subjugate the continent, clearly intending to slaughter all the Jews of Europe—were allied soldiers who shot at German soldiers with the intent of killing them sinning in the eyes of God? I say no, but that they were indeed committing a righteous act in defense of innocent life, to ensure the freedom of an entire continent, through the difficult and dangerous process of using violence to thwart an intended evil outcome.

When communist North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam, seeking to subjugate the freedom loving people there, to enslave them under a communist regime—were South Vietnamese and American soldiers sinning when they sought to kill these invading forces in order to protect the innocent freedom loving South Vietnamese people? After the U.S. military withdrawal, effectively abandoning the South to their fate, the North imprisoned over 1,000,000 South Vietnamese citizens in re-education camps, shooting or starving to death 168,000. Was killing those North Vietnamese soldiers as an initial reaction to their clear threat to innocent life a sin? Would it have been more righteous to do nothing in response to their invasion? And in the end, was retreating and abandoning the South to communism—with all its attendant death and torture—rightly defined as righteousness or as sin?

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who along with Vladimir Bukovsky co-founded the Soviet dissident movement, exposed the horrible abuse of political prisoners in the Soviet socialist prison system in his masterpiece work The Gulag Archipelago. In it he mused “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: “what would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?” Would the Russian citizens have been justified had they found the wisdom, courage, and resolve to resist the Bolsheviks with weapons? Would it have been wise and honorable to fight back with weapons to prevent the final body count of 20,000,000 Soviet citizens ultimately murdered by the communist regime thereafter? Or was it more righteous to simply do nothing, as the Russian citizens did, leaving the communists to consolidate power and begin the extermination?

This is the seminal decision you will make in this war to save America from communism, in this fight to prevent our personal subjugation, and then to finally renew our great country—would fighting with physical force on our own shores against this evil be in itself an evil act, or would it be better to allow our great country to descend into communism, with all the millions of attendant killings historically always present under such regimes, in order to avoid the violence of resisting, considering such resistance immoral?

Your answer to this seminal question will determine the fate of our country, and of your family and friends. Will they live free, or will they be subjugated? Make no mistake—the hard left forces coalescing in our government and society seek the stripping of our freedom to worship, to speak freely, and to own a defensive firearm.  As all communists before them, they seek to disarm, then torture and imprison all those who stand against them should they amass sufficient power. Will you allow this to happen on your watch? Do you consider yourself morally free to resist with arms such a cohort that plans to foist such atrocities on you, your family, your friends, and your church?

This is our moment in the history of the world to rise up with firm resolve and fight this great fight. This is our Battle of the Bulge—this is our Gates of Vienna moment. Once we answer this seminal question correctly—is it justified to fight and kill in defense of the innocent, to preserve beauty and righteousness, and to prevent certain and terrible suffering—we can then successfully move forward to overcome our enemies within and without, and to renew our great land. We are at war, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is a war declared against us by the hard left in their decades long attempt to destroy the society within which we live, to strip us of our constitutional protections, and subject us to a totalitarian socialist state. We must resist, and not only resist—we must decisively prevail! We must declare ourselves at war and take action, before our enemy becomes too entrenched and powerful to overcome.  Should this happen, simply read the history of other historical socialist regimes to understand the future for yourself and your family under such a planned system of oppression.

The great political philosopher Thomas Sowell stated: “If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.”  There are no third choices in this conflict. Which will you choose? Will you choose courage and stand against oppression, or will you shrink away in indecision, leaving the outcome to our more determined enemies? Or will you actually go so far as to stand with the left as an oppressor against the constitutional rights of your fellow citizens?

I for one will stand against such oppression, and with arms if necessary, in the defense of the constitutional rights of my fellow Americans, in defense of our traditional moral and religious precepts, and in the renewal of our founding American experience. I urge you to join me.

American Renewal

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