
The Wicked Machiavellianism Of The Left

Machiavelli Nicollo Machiavelli was an Italian political philosopher. His book The Prince was written in 1513. In it he opined that a ruler, who in establishing a kingdom or a republic used violence to accomplish his ends, should be excused when the intentions were “good” and the results were “beneficial.” From his philosophy we derive the common saying “the ends justify the means.” Niebuhr Reinhold Niebuhr was a leftist theologian who ran for the U.S. Congress on the Socialist ticket in 1932. Democrat James Comey, in his analysis of the writings of his hero Niebuhr, commented thusly: “the Christian in politics must be willing to transgress any purely Christian ethic. He must be willing to sin in the name of justice.” Comey used the name Reinhold Niebuhr as his personal Twitter handle, a clear testament to his affection for his own interpretation of Niebuhr’s political philosophy. When Comey’s interpretation of Mr. Niebuhr’s ethical philosophies were exposed in the conservative media, Comey abruptly changed his Twitter handle. Was it to hide his interpretations from being widely known? Almost certainly—Machiavelli would be so proud! Barack Obama said of Niebuhr “I love him. He ...


Afghanistan—Cui Bono?

I hear constant incredulous reactions to the actions of the Biden Administration that have created the horrible situation we find ourselves in in Afghanistan. Our citizens left behind, held hostage for political and financial gain by the Taliban, and subject to the worst of potential outcomes with torture and retributive murder in the traditional horrendous forms of the Taliban. In early September 2021 on FOX News, host Julie Banderas of the Faulkner Focus interviewed Senator Joni Ernst. Ernst reacted to the Biden Administration negotiating with the Taliban terror organization while Americans were left behind in country at their mercy, abandoned by our military leadership. Ernst said that for Biden to entrust the Taliban is “ludicrous.” She added that she “doesn’t know what President Biden is thinking” by relying on the radical Islamist organization. “I don’t know what President Biden is thinking, and the fact that we allowed the country to fall quickly to the Taliban and not evacuate our American citizens and our Afghan partners is reprehensible.” Former President Donald Trump, during a rally in Georgia recently, called the Afghanistan withdrawal stupid and incompetent. Sean ...


American Gestapo

Since the 2020 election fraud allowed the Biden Administration to enter the White House through an illicit election, and gain control of the Senate through the same means, many conservatives predicted that the hard left would use these offices to push to permanently silence and marginalize their political foes, thus clearing the way for the institution of a much more authoritarian socialist governmental structure in the U.S. virtually unopposed. True to these predictions, Joe Biden on April 15, 2021 issued an Executive Order on “Blocking Property With Respect to Specified Harmful Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.” This presidential executive order allows the leftist government the legal right, without formal legal charge nor court hearing, to decide to accuse American citizens of “colluding with the Russians” and therefore sanction them through the confiscation of their personal property. This clearly is tyranny, as it circumvents the legal channels traditionally needed for the government to confiscate property. The administration can now simply make the accusation, yet is not under compulsion to present evidence, testimony, nor any kind of proof to be adju ...


Breaking The American Foundation

From the inception of our country, its citizens have held certain beliefs and understandings in common, which have served as the foundational bedrock of our American civil contract. These understandings are rooted in our original Judeo/Christian ethic, namely that there is a God above us, that he is benevolent and merciful, and that he in his wisdom has laid down certain tenets and laws in order to guarantee our happiness and social prosperity, and that if followed, these tenets and laws would ensure our established and continued freedoms. Even non-religious Americans have traditionally subscribed to this common understanding—that there are principles of moral law and justice that if adhered to as a society will ensure that society’s peaceful social cohesion. The original and longstanding practiced tenet of justice within the Judeo/Christian experience was described originally over 2,000 ago in the chronicles of the Bible. To love justice, and to do justice, was written of as a primary virtue, one which ensured the continued safety and happiness of all those to whom it was accorded. Justice was defined as the forced stoppage of a committed wrong against an individual or group of ...


Modern Psychology—A Partial Deception

Before the advent of modern Western medicine and sophisticated sanitation systems, human beings were relegated to much shorter life spans and constant susceptibility to disabling physical maladies. Whereas people previously were apt to consider their maladies to be simply the will of God, now we see that they were just an indication of our lack of scientific advancement. The same can be said for the arena of the mind and emotions. Deep depressions and emotional angst were occurrences not previously well understood. Sufferers were considered afflicted by demons or simply to be smitten without remedy by unknown causes. Not that modern psychology in general has offered much better answers than those offered in earlier centuries. The heavy reliance on psychotropic medication in order to mask and further the same lack of understanding of the root causes of these maladies is what generally passes for modern advancement in psychotherapy today. It seems masking symptoms is currently preferred to truly understanding and curing them. There are avenues of modern psychology that do suggest real evident root causes and solutions, but because of the great difficulty in coming to grips with ...


Is Democracy America’s Primary Governing Principle?

Upon his exit from the Constitutional Convention of 1787, anxious citizens were gathered outside Liberty Hall to learn what had transpired in the proceedings. A Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin answered without hesitation, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Franklin did not reply, “A democracy, if you can keep it.” Political representation secured by American national sovereignty was the primary philosophical basis of the Declaration of Independence written by Franklin’s contemporary Thomas Jefferson. Being shut out of representation in the British legislature, yet being subject to its whims and laws while having no representative say in the making of British law that regulated them, the American Colonists therefore moved to separate themselves through force from the British. When freedom was won by war and America’s national sovereignty was firmly established, colonial leaders set their minds to devise forms to deepen and strengthen the shallow basis that they knew simple democracy to be as a stand alone form of governance. The colonial leaders knew full well that the whims of men and thei ...