American Renewal

Mission Statement
The mission of American Renewal is to provide a cultural and political platform to return the American populace and government to a strictly pro-American, pro-capitalist, Judeo-Christian ideals based society as our country was founded, and to strict constitutional rule, with its protections of comprehensive individual natural rights for her loyal citizens as intended originally by the document’s authors.

We seek not to be solely a philosophical organization, but also an organized civilian force able to defend against egregious government affronts to our rights and liberties. If ultimately unable to thwart these abuses, we seek to be a force then able to accomplish a hard reset of American society and government.

No society can long retain the favor and protection of God while involved in the mass slaughter of its unborn and the neglect to the point of death of its recently born, the promotion of the open practice of homosexuality and the codification of homosexual unions, the erasure of gender assignments set in place by nature and nature’s God, and the attempt to institute the subjugation of its citizens and the stripping of their constitutional rights under a totalitarian socialist construct. This is not what America was founded to be, according to her founders and their founding documents and attendant writings, and is therefore not what the majority of us have pledged our allegiance to.

A new course of action is needed to ensure America’s moral, social, and civic prosperity, and the following measures are formulated to accomplish that in short order. These positions and actions represent an effective and robust counter-revolution to the current Marxist revolution taking place in America.

The Attempted Coup
In 2016, a group of British and American leftists hatched a plan to abrogate a certified American presidential election. They concocted false information and then filed false FISA applications with this information, which they clearly knew to be full of lies, in their effort to illicitly surveil, smear, and then attempt the take down of a duly elected American president who was intent on renewing our great country to the best of his understanding. They in essence circumvented our democratic process in order to substitute their personally desired subversive political outcomes for the legitimate outcome of a democratic election, and positioned themselves as traitors to our long standing traditions and institutions.

Post Coup
These anti-American subversives are still active in their treason against America, and must be rooted out of our system and punished legally. This could not have and did not happen under the tenure of then Attorney General William Barr, and must be accomplished outside of any such present or future subverted administrative state apparatus.

Unfortunately for America under President Trump, he was not in the beginning sufficiently educated as to the philosophical alignments of those in government who opposed him unbeknownst. He kept naively appointing them, and they kept opposing and thwarting his agenda. He naively listened to his health czars, unaware of their conflicting political, philosophical, and financial interests, who then lied to him and persuaded him to institute Operation Warp Speed, the development of a Covid vaccine invented by the political and scientific class who actually inflicted the pandemic on the American public. He allowed the hard left to subvert an American national election, and was then as a result forced to step aside.

Trump is a brilliant businessman and executive, and he clearly loves his country. Either his re-entry into the presidency, or the entry of another equally committed and patriotic candidate, will be a positive turn of events. But a far more concise understanding by our political leaders of our hard left political enemies and their tactics, and a more concise and consistent set of intentions and strategies are called for if we are to succeed in the long run.

The Great Steal
In the 2020 presidential election, hard leftists in the Democratic Party colluded with worldwide socialists and communist regimes to falsify an American presidential election, effectively nullifying the votes of up to 80 million Trump supporters, stripping conservative Americans of their right to be equally represented in our democracy. In typical Machiavellian fashion—with “the ends justifying the means”—they lied, cheated, and conspired to further their revolution at the expense of American democracy, and in support of foreign regimes and their antithetical ways of life and forms of government.

This is an act of treason and one committed by a clear enemy—these involved are no longer our countrymen, having crossed a line removing themselves from the status of patriotic Americans supportive of our original representative republic. It is understood that not every Democrat knows about this attack or would support it, but at the very least the party leadership and the hard left media establishment supporting them know full well what they have done, and have ceased to be our countrymen at heart, having entered into a position of treason against the founding principles and constitution of our republic.

Conservative leaders like Thomas Sowell, Rush Limbaugh, Trevor Loudon, Jeff Nyquist, Diana West etc. have done a tremendous job educating the public as to the threat from the hard left, but have been at a loss to offer any concrete comprehensive solutions that can effectively reverse this current latter stage Marxist revolution in our country.

It is time to build on and improve on the methods of President Trump and our well loved conservative leaders, to gather their followers in our common cause, and  through intellectual force and wise decision making, taking into actual account the philosophical leanings of all involved in government and society, to weed out those subversive to our founding principles, and to move on with our renewed American experience in clean and complete victory.

American Renewal—Our People
As the seeds of the American experience were originally sown in the hearts of English settlers who resettled in America, and continued through the entry of other European immigrants in America’s early years, and since political culture is primarily extended through familial social culture as families pass on traditions and mores until they become embedded and common throughout their extended culture—the majority of our members may naturally be white.  We feel no shame at all in this of course—those of us who are white are proud of who we are as a people, and of our unmatched contributions to the origination and success of the American republic.

We welcome though into our midst people of all races and cultures that support the tenets of American Renewal, knowing well that political and civic culture can also be adopted voluntarily and extended outside of original cultural and familial channels.  All Americans can choose to adopt and support our beliefs regardless of race and ethnicity. The majority of us may well be white—as is natural in a country where whites are in the majority—but many members will come from other racial and ethnic groups, and we welcome them if they share our common philosophical bond.

American Renewal-The Primacy of Faith
The American experience was founded and rooted in the precepts of the Judeo-Christian understanding—namely that nature’s God endowed us with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that only lives lived in general adherence to the Ten Commandments and the tenets of this ethos could form the foundation of a successful democratic republic in America.

We therefore are in the main a religious community, though we also acknowledge that those without belief and those of differing beliefs can also adhere to the principles of American Renewal, and therefore we are open to and accepting into our midst those of either no faith, or of differing faiths, as long as they respect the tenets of our organization and the established religious foundations of the American experience.

We do not believe that there is a right of government to compel a citizen to adopt any religion—the free agency of human beings is a given. But there of course is a right of any decent society through law and government to compel its citizens to follow principles relative to the protection of the safety and security of a society’s fellow citizens, and to the furtherance and health of their society. These protective moral and legal precepts emanate from the Judeo-Christian ethos, having been written by nature’s God, who created us and who knows best how his creation should function. These precepts are generally set forth in the Ten Commandments and the philosophical basis of the Bible, and will be vigorously promoted by law. Our second American president and Founding Father John Adams said it well: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” And by religion, he was clearly referring to the dominant Judeo-Christian religion of his time and the following of its moral tenets. Those who adhere to the Judeo-Christian religious ethos, and those who do not practice this religious way, but respect it as the foundation on which our society is built, will be our members.

Antonio Gramsci And The Attempted Destruction Of America
American hard leftists, steeped in the posthumous application of the political philosophy of Italian communist Antonio Gramsci, teach those on the left that the way to break down and destroy the American Republic is to separate her citizens from God and traditional religion, in order to facilitate a spiritual unmooring, and ultimately the final shift of their upward gaze and attachment from God and religious devotion to the godless totalitarian socialist state. They know that our traditional religious tenets are what make us strong and resistant to revolution and to this shift of our gaze and devotion, and therefore seek the degradation and eventual destruction of these tenets, beliefs, and associations.

Our Requisite And Commensurate Response
We will make great efforts to renew and strengthen these American tenets and beliefs. As in any physical tug of war, those who pull straight back against the opposing team with full force are the ones most likely to prevail. Hard leftists seek to break down the church and her precepts, knowing them to be the bulwark on which our republic stands. In order to pull straight back against them, we must not adopt any of their destructive precepts, but instead cling steadfastly and tenaciously to the exact traditional beliefs and realities that they seek to attack and destroy.

We should have always served as a bulwark against their cultural destruction by virtue of our strong conviction and commitment, but unfortunately we now must look to what they seek to destroy in order to see and comprehend what actually to preserve. Jesus himself said “you are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of men.” This is a great shame on our nation’s religious community—that we no longer have provided the salt necessary to preserve the moral and ethical soundness of our society.

We should have known and acted forcefully to defend and promote our developed culture and the moral tenets undergirding our civilization. But instead we let ourselves be culturally overrun, paying attention to not much else than to the development and maintenance of our careers and families, as if these values did not exist in a potentially shifting cultural and political milieu subject to degradation and ultimate destruction, but instead were perpetually safe and secure in stone regardless of radically shifting politics, and for some reason we assumed yet never defined, could not be degraded and destroyed.

When the hard left sought to legitimize homosexual marriage—we should have focused a clear light on the destructive effects on society of this practice, it’s biblically prohibited status, and rejected such a reclassification of marriage, and fought against it with full force. But we did nothing, accepting the induced shame from the left, who painted us as bigots against the purported civil rights status of a particular group, as if the sexual practice choices of this group were genetically programmed and therefore immutable—as if rendering judgement against this aberration was therefore unjustified and moot.

We must also reverse course relative to accepting homosexuality into our society as a norm. We must again become the salt of the earth, and in this light we must be willing to defend as well the lives of the innocent young in the womb with our own, effectively erasing this murderous moral scourge from our land.

When the hard left now seeks to break down traditional gender norms, declaring that individuals originally assigned at conception their gender by nature and nature’s God are now suddenly free to choose to deny this assignment of nature and select another at random—we must now never give an inch—we must reject this obvious affront to the norms that keep us strong as a nation and people, and fight with full force to deny the destructive societal change they seek through this cultural attack.

There may come a time when our only option to turn back attempts to strip us of our constitutional rights and completely degrade our society morally and politically will be the use of our personal weapons in the aggregate. Each patriotic traditional American must be open to the future possibility of pushing back with every means available to prevent the destruction of our great nation and the freedoms it embodies, and to prevent the legal and political oppression that they intend for us. But in the interim, we must at a minimum become much more militant, matching and then exceeding the psychological energy of the hard left in this societal tug of war. Should we refuse our responsibility in this regard, history will judge us as those who gave up the greatest nation in the history of mankind because of our slothfulness and self-indulgence. The history books would then state that it was given away without a whimper on our watch, relegating us to the status of the historically accursed.

It is time for American patriots to rise up and meet the challenge that falls on us at this historic juncture. Our fathers and grandfathers fought the Nazis and prevented the tyranny they sought to inflict on the world. Can we expect that we should need to pay no similar or greater price to protect our nation in today’s troubling and dangerous times, as we are under attack by the worldwide communist movement and its members in American government and society? The conflict facing us today is of vastly greater importance than their struggle, as it entails the fight for the survival and renewal of the greatest world counterbalance to totalitarian regimes and their slaughters in the history of the world, and for the survival of an American culture and polity fashioned on eternal principles. America is the only bulwark of freedom capable of preventing the slide of the entire world into a brutal totalitarianism and the great attendant slaughter that would ensue without effective defense.

It is our time—let us rise up and claim the future for freedom, liberty, and ultimately for the victory of righteousness. We must create a movement that is completely committed to traditional American ideals, one that is more committed and determined than our globalist communist enemies, one that will pull straight back with great and determined force in this historical tug of war, dragging our enemies through the mud against their wills to their total defeat.

Means of renewal:

Eliminate Abortion
Immediately institute a federal prohibition against abortion in any circumstance, except the most extremely rare case where necessary to protect the mother when both mother and child are sure to die in the throes of birth.

Should the mother have a pre-existing condition that makes pregnancy risky for her health, she should act sufficiently responsibly to ensure that she does not become pregnant. There are multiple means to easily accomplish this end. Having neglected to do so does not effectively strip the infant of his/her constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It simply means that the mother has placed herself in unnecessary and avoidable risk.

Instances of the impregnation of a potential mother by a rapist do not remove from the infant his/her right to life, but should indeed subject the rapist father to a long sentence in prison, where all his paid labor while there goes to the subsistence of the mother and child. When he is released, the shortfall of his contributions must be regularly garnished from his wages to go towards the benefit of the mother, as she was forced to suffer because of his deed, and bore the responsibility of single parenthood and all of its financial hardships. Charitable support must also be aggressively promoted to fill the financial shortfall in support of such a mother and child, while the father is incarcerated, until the child reaches 18 years of age.

Murdering the unborn is not a civil right in any of the above cases, unless both mother and child are certain to die, leaving available only one morally justified decision—to save the greatest number of lives.

Abortion is in essence the denying of the most basic civil right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to these emerging and entirely vulnerable American citizens. Attacking and abusing these potential future American citizens weakens America morally, and submerges her in a milieu of evil. Abortion and the subsequent decline of our national population growth also increase inward immigration pressure to meet our resultant unmet labor demands, in order to augment our diminished national population and labor force, eventually altering the developed character, culture, and polity of our nation.

Nothing can be accomplished until the moral center of this nation is recovered, and the slaughter of the unborn brought to a halt. 60,000,000 American children have been slaughtered in the womb since the Roe Vs. Wade decision incorrectly interpreted the existence of an unintended and nonexistent constitutional right to murder a child, making such murder a private matter for a woman to decide and then hire out. If these potential American citizens were alive today, there would be no need for the importation of foreign labor, nor for the national guilt that we suffer under, and all these murdered American citizens would be living their God given lives freely among us today. The heinous murder of the innocent and completely vulnerable unborn must be brought to an end.

We must regain our soul and conscience relative to the treatment of our most vulnerable emerging citizens. We must protect their right to life and their pursuit of happiness, and at the cost of our lives in their defense if necessary. The reversal of Roe vs. Wade has not been sufficiently effective in this regard, as abortion is still readily available across state lines, and has only declined slightly nationwide. It must be completely eliminated from our national midst. It is not sufficient to rest in the knowledge that children cannot be murdered in some states, when they can still be murdered in other states in our national union, and that women are able to simply cross state lines to another civil polity should their state not allow abortion. If we are to reclaim America’s soul, we must drive this scourge from our national midst entirely.

“Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members ; the last, the least, the littlest.”
Cardinal Roger Mahoney

Ban and Nullify Homosexual Marriage
The reversal of the national codification of this unnatural practice, and the reconstitution of sodomy laws, will be a powerful first step in reestablishing traditional sexual norms in our society. Our founding society was not at all involved in the support nor defense of homosexuality—it was a deviancy not common nor allowed to be freely practiced in early America. It was considered, and still in reality is, an affront to nature and nature’s God.

Practicing homosexuality is not a civil right, as it is a debased moral choice that tears at the fabric of civic society, weakens our national character, and reduces our national birth rate, leading again to the need for excessive immigration into America in order to meet the demands of an expanding economy and its labor force demands.

Had sodomy laws been in place and enforced at the introduction to the U.S. of the AIDS epidemic, the rampant sexual contact between homosexuals in the bath houses of San Francisco that fueled the rapid spread of the virus would have been prevented by police under law closing down the bathhouses that homosexuals frequented and where they openly practiced homosexuality, thus greatly diminishing this dangerous activity and the initial spread of the disease, which when left unchecked then subsequently gained a deadly foothold in American society. Subsequently an effective quarantine of those already infected would have well protected the remainder of our citizenry, greatly reducing the loss of life. The failure to take these wise steps ultimately cost the lives of 700,000 American citizens, which defines such failure as an effective evil to be rethought, redefined, and rejected.

President Trump sought the elimination of sodomy laws worldwide through the application of political pressure on African countries and their traditional cultures. Much as we supported the general efforts of President Trump in his general attempt to reclaim American society, in this instance we strongly disagree. Countries that prohibit actions and lifestyles that degrade and endanger society are wise, and wisdom is what is called for, to ensure both the renewal of our great country and the general welfare of the entire world. Homosexual practices are a moral choice, not actions genetically predetermined, or they could not be condemned by a just God as they are in the biblical texts. Accepting the faulty premise that this lifestyle choice is genetically programmed and therefore cannot be judged by nature and nature’s God, and subsequently by the legal systems of human society, is inconsistent with the revelations of our Judeo-Christian religious teachings.

The human mind is a deep and complex pool, with considerations at work sometimes below our conscious awareness. As a person devoid of close and necessary attachment to one of their parents is acutely and painfully aware of this lack, it sets about a futile subconscious striving to fulfill this unrealized primal need, resulting in un-natural human attractions. When a person seeks its fulfillment out of historical and natural context, rejecting the reality that the opportunity for fulfillment has been lost forever and must be deeply grieved and then abandoned, many different potential false fulfillments can present themselves as solutions. But when one such misguided and ahistorical fulfillment is to break the law of God and engage in elicit relationships in an attempt to find this lost attachment in an unnatural manner, this endeavor crosses over into the moral realm. The moral law responds “this is where you may not look for fulfillment, as it does not exist here. It will corrupt your soul and damage the natural order.”

Do not misunderstand our intentions. We do not plan to aggressively police the private actions of American citizens who have chosen to practice un-natural homosexual lifestyles in private. And we do not intend to establish harsh laws to subject this population to aggressively intrusive harassment. But we do intend to prevent homosexuality from being promoted as a healthy and societally accepted lifestyle, to prevent its practice from ever again rampantly spreading disease amongst our citizenry, and to sanction its open practice, as the public display and acceptance of such a lifestyle tends to normalize it and increase it’s practice, thereby increasingly subverting natural society. We do not accept this lifestyle as normal, and intend to reverse its acceptance, and the codification of marriage between homosexuals, in government and society.

Formulate New Policies Relative To Religion
—Eliminate free speech restrictions currently imposed on ministers of our Judeo-Christian churches, while maintaining their tax exempt status. Ministers’ voices must be unleashed in order to preach the morals, ethics, and policies that are encouraged by our Judeo/Christian ethic, and to influence congregants and other citizens to support and follow them.

—Close all American mosques proven to display radical anti-American literature and who preach these sentiments from the pulpit, specifically the aforementioned stated desire to substitute Sharia Law for the American Constitution here in America. Muslims who reject this Sharia ideology can be our neighbors and countrymen if they pledge primary allegiance to the American Constitution. Those who continue their commitment to Sharia Law naturally cannot accept American Constitutional rule, which is inherently antithetical to Sharia Law, and therefore cannot live among us as Americans—and will be deported. Freedom of religion was never meant to encompass religions that inherently hold the express intent of conflicting with, superseding, and eventually overthrowing our original American Republic. It was originally meant to allow loyal Americans to express their various religious sentiments in the manner they choose without restriction.

—Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization, putting an end to it’s subversion in the U.S., and deport it’s members.

—Close all churches that are found to teach Liberation Theology, a Marxist Communist construct, as they are an affront to and a perversion of their original faith, ultimately working in opposition to the original tenets of the American Republic and her founding beliefs and principles.

—Illegalize all forms of pornography, which result in the separation of sexual relations from the marriage contract. Only by supporting healthy and intact marriages and the fruits of their natural procreativity can we expect to turn back our national internal population decline, to keep our population morally healthy, and to negate the need for further foreign immigration into the U.S.

Completely Re-Think Immigration
—Stop all illegal immigration into the U.S. by finishing construction of an impermeable border wall along our Southern border, and in the future if it proves necessary, along our Northern border.

—Deport all illegal immigrants slowly and methodically over a period of five   years.

—Revoke the American citizenship of and deport all those who obtained their citizenship subsequently after initially arriving here illegally. They may then apply for re-entry according to our immigration laws. The intentions of hard left Democratic Party leadership to flood our borders in order for their party to gain unnatural voting hegemony, to assist in the breakdown of our republic through the introduction of peoples initially in the main inclined to support the Democratic Party because of its excessive welfare support policies and damaging immigration policies—will be stopped dead in its tracks.

Strongly Incentivize Internal National Population Growth
Financially incentivize increased American birthrates by providing substantial cash payments to American married parents for initial and subsequent children born to them. Child bearing and child rearing will again be celebrated and actively encouraged by our government and society, as will the institution of marriage. Other forms of non married cohabitation will be discouraged and dis-incentivized as being non-constructive to a thriving society. Marriage will be returned as the celebrated norm within American society, resulting in the increase of our natural offspring and the welfare of our general society.

In the city of Nagi Japan, the city government instituted policies to naturally increase the fertility rate of couples within the city. Offering generous cash payments for each subsequent child born to Nagi couples, the city raised its birth rate from 1.4 children per couple —the Japanese national average—a rate that could not ensure the continuation of the city’s citizenry, to an initial subsequent rate of 2.8, before finally settling at 2.4 children per couple. This is beyond the replacement rate of 2.1, ensuring a healthy city growth rate, and securing the demographic survival of the city.

These policies will be instituted here in America, ensuring our natural societal growth will result in our national survival, and will keep pace with our job market growth, eliminating the need to import foreign labor.

Completely Remake Education Policy
—Close the Department of Education, returning education to the states with over arching federal limitations to weed out curriculum promoted to weaken traditional American beliefs and values.

—Revamp school curriculums to reflect a healthy respect for a balanced version of American history and the American Constitution. Prohibit curriculum that supports conflicting forms of governmental and societal rule including Marxism, Fascism, Sharia Law, and the anti-Semitic and pro-Russian subversive tenets of the Alt Right. Prohibit curriculum that seeks to denigrate in an unbalanced fashion the founding of the U.S. and her history, in an attempt to use such propaganda as a lever in order to reduce our natural pride and patriotism, to overthrow our beloved founding traditions and tenets, and our society as a whole.

—Prohibit from teaching within the United States, at all grade levels, teachers and university professors who promote radical anti-American Marxist ideology and their desired institution of a socialist totalitarian state, in opposition to the liberty enshrined in the American Constitution, and those teachers who promote Sharia Law as a viable alternative to American rule of law and the American Constitution.

Purify Our Governmental Institutions
—Institute F.B.I. background checks—conducted by a purged and revitalized bureau—for all presidential candidates, Senators, members of Congress, and government employees—discovering the communist, fascist, sharia law, or alt-right leanings of potential members, and prohibiting their membership and service. These F.B.I. actions can only be accomplished after a complete purge of the intelligence agency’s personnel, expelling those who have in word and deed subverted our traditional republic, and replacing them with new field agents and upper level management supportive of our American Renewal.

—Conduct loyalty investigations for all government employees, Senators, and members of Congress, and American Presidents. Terminate the current service, and prevent the future service of all who are found disloyal to the American Republic and its founding documents and principles. As hard leftist individuals have burrowed into our State Department and other government agencies, they have altered our governmental decision making much to the detriment of our founding principles and beliefs. From our abandonment of Chiang Kai-Shek, allowing the rise of Mao Zedong and the oppressive Chinese Communist Party in the 1940s, to pushing the “need” for a coalition of nations to govern the world—The United Nations—promoted primarily in the United States by later outed Soviet spy and American State Department official Alger Hiss, which philosophically threatens American sovereignty—our American administrative state has again and again undercut our position and security in the world. Hard left operatives must be excised from our governmental ecosystem to assure the future and safety of our nation.

Completely Reformulate Foreign Policy Relative to China
Immediately commit to a complete economic decoupling from China, giving American companies a set period of time to finish their contracts to buy Chinese produced goods, to disinvest from Chinese securities, and to dissolve joint ventures between American and Chinese companies. After this period of decoupling, all transactions with Chinese companies will be heavily sanctioned, and if said business be continued in, will prevent said American companies from further accessing the American market and from manufacturing within U.S. borders. Attempts by third party nations to reroute Chinese goods mislabeled as goods produced by these third party nations will expose said nations to stiff economic sanctions.

By strict adherence to this trade policy, the Chinese economy will quickly begin to shrink to the point where they will no longer be able to fund their aggressive military buildup, which is solely aimed at the destruction of America and her allies. At that subsequent point, our major geopolitical enemy will be effectively taken off the table as an effective threat.

Rethink Defense Spending, Military Policy, And Internal Policing
—Immediately conduct a reversal of the Obama Administration’s military leadership purge, dismissing from service those previously installed due to their proclivity to follow the leftist anti-American policies of that administration, and returning those previously purged to service, should they desire, with full back pay. Military leadership will be returned to those who focus solely on our founding tenets, and on the absolute and effective defense of our republic against all true enemies.

—Immediately increase by 10% the pay rates for all military and police personnel. No American patriot willing to put their life on the line for their fellow Americans should ever trade their service for a position of relative poverty. The primary duty of federal, state, and city government is to ensure the protection of our nations citizens, and the primary goal of our nation’s warriors and police is that protection. The bond between citizen and protector must be strengthened, and showing more respect to our protectors begins with higher and more commensurate pay for the risks they willingly take on for us. Our protectors must be treated in a fashion equal to their dedication and to the risks they incur.

—Institute a policy of scrapping all military grade hardware—automatic weapons, armored personnel carriers, excessive rifle and pistol ammunition—previously donated by the American government to local police and governmental agencies, if they are no longer usable to the military. This over-arming of the police and governmental agencies has created what serves as an effective standing army, potentially available to turn on the American citizenry at any time, and cannot be allowed to continue to exist. The domestic balance of power must always be in favor of the American citizenry, ensuring our ability to resist and replace an unconstitutional and oppressive government should it become necessary.

—Return to the policy of fighting wars to vanquish our foes where the effort is absolutely necessary, irrespective of political sensitivities. The days of “winning hearts and minds,” all the while putting our warriors in greater danger through inappropriate rules of engagement, limiting their effectiveness in killing our enemies—will be over. The rules of engagement will simply be—kill the enemy with whatever means at your disposal, with only the consideration of human decency in mind relative to civilians and other non combatants, striving to minimize such casualties wherever possible. We are not animals after all, though we must be ruthless killers of those who actively seek our destruction and the violent subjugation of innocents.

—Prohibit the military service of members of subversive groups and all with criminal gang affiliations. It is lunacy to train this class of person in military tactics, only to see these same tactics later used in our streets against the American people.

—Immediately declassify all documents relative to American prisoners of war abandoned to communist regimes from all past wars and conflicts. Should it be found that any American administration or individual knowingly and purposely left behind any American soldier for any reason whatsoever, the involved still living American official or individual will be criminally prosecuted. Those complicit officials no longer living will have the record of their service corrected to reflect its dishonorable nature.

—Immediately begin investigations into military tragedies such as the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya and the subsequent death of four brave Americans, and the downing of Extortion 17, which killed 25 American Special Operations soldiers. We must get to the bottom of the culpability of all involved in causing these tragedies, whether their reasoning was faulty administration war fighting policy, or actual anti-American subversion in the leadership ranks. We strongly suspect the latter, and will aggressively seek and find the truth, no matter where it leads.

—Immediately begin investigations into the efforts by American leftists—within and outside of government—to subvert the administration of a duly elected American President during the Trump administration, and into the collaboration of General Mark Milley with the Chinese military in his treasonous breach of the chain of command.

—Continue and greatly enhance the portion of the National Defense Space Architecture (NSDA), instituted by President Trump, dealing with space based missile defense systems being planned to provide an effective shield against all nuclear or non-nuclear missiles incoming from foreign adversaries, providing an effective umbrella against such an attack on the U.S. homeland.

Discontinue Membership In Globalist Organizations
—Immediately withdraw from the United Nations, and terminate all monetary support to the organization. The shaping and founding of the U.N. was accomplished primarily by State Department official and later uncovered Soviet communist spy Alger Hiss. It was and is an organization founded on the desire of leftists for a globalist governing strategy, paving the way for a socialist globalist order, in circumvention of American national sovereignty, and serves as such to this day in opposition to American national interest.

—Immediately withdraw from and cease financial support for the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The World Bank was part of the plan of Alger Hiss, and has played an active guiding role in the funding of the modernization of the Chinese communist economy, and the furtherance of the Chinese plan to supplant the U.S. as the global financial and military leader, and to ultimately align the world around a global communist state run by the Chinese Communist Party. Both the World Bank and the IMF are known for their globalist socialist inclinations and strategies, which are antithetical to the founding intent and continuing interests of the United States. Both of these organizations must be dismantled.

Restructure Domestic Fiscal Policy
—Institute a balanced budget requirement on Congress, except in times of war, and require budget surpluses to be saved untouched for national rainy days. The days of profligate spending by our elected leaders must be brought to an immediate end.

—Immediately begin to repay the Social Security fund, which Congress has treacherously spent on general expenses, shattering their promise to the American people to take funds extracted from our paychecks and put them into a “lock box” earning interest while accumulating with the original principle.

Restructure Domestic Monetary Policy
Close the Federal Reserve, and reset our national economy on the Gold Standard. Pegging our economy on the firm foundation of an unchangeable physical value will cure the nature of Congress to deficit spend, will eliminate the tragedy of inflation that robs Americans of their wealth, and bring fiscal sanity back into our economic system.

Purify The Judiciary
—Replace all federal, state, and local judges who do not subscribe to an originalist interpretation of the Constitution. Reinterpreting clearly established Constitutional intent from the bench is not the function of the judiciary—interpreting American Constitutional law according to its clear original intent and meaning is.

Rethink National Holidays
–Immediately establish Senator Joseph McCarthy’s birthday as a national holiday in memory of his tireless and timely fight against the scourge of communists resident in American government agencies. Communism is the ultimate antithesis to the American experience, about which McCarthy has not once been proven wrong in his accusations. His accusations stand and were based on solid ground when viewed now in retrospect and in light of all the available evidence, including the finally released Verona Papers that verify his accused to be of the political and personal character he ascribed to them.

Eliminate Hate Speech And Hate Crime Laws
—Eliminate all “hate speech” and “hate crime” laws at both the national and state levels. Laws that apply to all citizens equally adequately protect minorities. Hate speech laws are a long term attempt by the radical left to chip away at free speech protections enshrined in the Constitution by re-interpreting and then expanding what is deemed “hateful” to be the sincerely held beliefs of Constitutional Conservatives, therefore criminalizing said beliefs, and serve no real and productive purpose other than to potentially marginalize and criminalize the beliefs and practices of loyal traditional American citizens.

Restructure American Media
—Terminate the FCC licensing of all media that repeatedly report false claims that they know to be false, purposely withholding provable truths, propagandizing the citizenry with hard left anti-Constitutional philosophies, including socialism, communism, fascism, and the promotion of the anti-Semitic, pro-Russian philosophies of the “Alt Right”—which is in reality a leftist philosophy, seeking the permanent destruction of personal liberty and the institution of permanent totalitarian government control.

Prohibit Citizens Of Hostile Nations From Accessing American Educations
–Prohibit all foreign students from nations hostile to the United States from receiving American university educations. It makes no sense to educate the citizens of hostile foreign powers, enabling them to then use their enhanced knowledge and skill sets against our nation in the service of our enemies.

Establish English As Our Sole National Language
—Establish English as the official and sole language of the United States, requiring that all legal immigrants arriving on our shores quickly gain proficiency in its use, prohibiting secondary languages from being used in all public spaces and communications. When we Americans travel to foreign countries it is a sign of respect that we yield to the customs and language of the host country while there. The same should be true of foreigners taking up residence within our borders.

Restructure The Nature And Extent Of Government Service
—Convert membership in the House of Representatives and the Senate from a full time to a part time profession, and prohibit past members from financially benefitting from their previous government service. Many members have sought favor from American corporations and foreign governments while in office, in order to land lucrative employment once they leave government employment.

Scores of members of Congress and Senators have also used insider information gained through their security clearances and political positions to influence government policy, in order to financially benefit through informed stock trades unavailable to regular citizens.

Government service should be a matter of the heart and based in civic duty, not a matter of seeking excessive financial enrichment through such service. Those who have taken this to an extreme and have sold out America for their personal enrichment must be prevented from continuing to do so, and must be brought to justice for such subversion without delay.

Rethink Governmental Scientific Research
—All government research and promotion of anthropomorphic climate change theory will be prohibited, along with all other philosophies that seek primarily and unilaterally a reduction in American national economic output. In this manner our GDP and the resultant funds available for national defense will be protected, and our physical safety enhanced.

Restructure Important Social Institutions That Serve Our Youth
—Return the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to their natural bases, limiting each group to its named gender membership and subsequent natural genetic identity. The Boy Scouts will be for genetically designated boys, and the Girl Scouts will be for genetically designated girls. Those who refuse to conform to their genetic identities assigned to then at birth by nature and nature’s God will be prohibited from membership and leadership, as they refuse to conform to nature and reality, and have effectively exited the natural human order.

Secure Our National Elections
Discontinue all use, both locally and nationally, of any electronic voting machine, and return to same day voting through in person paper ballots, viewed up close by both Democrat and Republican poll watchers, video taped at close range as a permanent record subject to review and independent verification. Eliminate all ballot drop boxes, and all mail in voting, except for those American citizens provably out of country. Additionally, require valid state or federal government issued identification in order for any citizen to vote. No non-citizen will be allowed to vote in any election in our country, whether a local, state, or federal election.

Restructure National Health Policy
—Immediately begin investigations into the suppression of low cost and highly effective medications for Covid 19 in favor of high cost gene altering therapies of dubious benefit and which cause great harm and death.  Said suppression effectively lined the pockets of large pharmaceutical companies and the subverted American health agencies, who gained financially from the mandating of high cost vaccines through their financial interest in patent rights and pharmaceutical company stock gains. Where the financial interest of these actors are found to have cost American lives through their collusion and deception, criminal tribunals will be warranted and established. An easily manageable pandemic was turned into a death warrant for hundreds of thousands of Americans, and those responsible must be held fully accountable for their treason.

—Transition from the Obama Care platform to a system of enhanced free market competition, promoting open competition across state lines for health policies. This will drastically lower overall program prices, and return both the number of quality doctors and the overall quality of care to their previous levels and beyond.

Commit To International Renewal
—Commit to extending the American Renewal to a European Renewal of Europe’s traditional values. Being the root of the American experience, America’s kinship to England and our strong ties to the countries of the traditional Western Alliance must be strengthened, and this extends naturally to assisting like-minded European patriots in the renewal of their traditional values and homelands.

Our View Of Government
We favor and promote individual liberty, and light and limited government control under normal circumstances. Hence, consider us on the right politically. The vast majority of leftist produced government programs have been abject failures. After government intervened in a failed attempt to offer support to poor American families through the AFDC program (Aid to Families of Dependent Children), the ultimate result was that black fathers left the family home, being financially incentivized to leave by the AFDC offering elevated financial assistance to homes with a mother but no father present. Due to this tragic government intervention, the presence of black fathers in their family homes plummeted, ruining the social structure of the black family. This result was apparently intentional, as the left sought to degrade the traditional black family structure and to create a societal underclass dependent on government assistance, thus insuring the black vote perpetually. The black community went from the demographic with the highest national levels of intact families to the lowest, causing untold grief for black youth, especially young black boys, who were deprived of their father’s presence and influence in their formative years—all to further a leftist agenda that runs counter to their well being and to our traditional American values. Those who promoted these destructive policies will be held accountable and in cases of extreme malevolence and subversion, will be held legally prosecuted and face potential deportation.

Since the advent of racial preferences accorded to minority college student applicants, the percentage of black and Latino freshman college students has not changed. For all the conversations and debates, all the government expenses and restrictions allotted to purportedly affect an increase has had zero net effect. Incentivized mentorship programs could have a far more dramatic and positive effect in these communities, and will be vigorously pursued.

After the implementation of Obama Care, which President Obama had promised would extend coverage to all Americans and at a 25% average savings, the actual results were that health insurance policy costs more than doubled. All Americans without health coverage were previously in reality covered, by being able to walk into any emergency room and automatically receive care for which they were unable to pay. So in the end, costs doubled and actual coverage remained the same, as is the natural result of absurd leftist government intervention.

For all the bluster, debate, and wasted time and effort, the majority of government programs would be better left untried or dismantled. This will allow government service to be a part time profession, greatly diminish cronyism, and will allow our federal budget to be balanced regularly. Tax rates can then be reduced, and more of Americans hard earned money will remain in their pockets, our military will be better funded, and needless government intrusion into the everyday lives of Americans will be eliminated.

With the events that transpired relative to the stolen 2020 presidential election, the subsequent stolen Georgia Senate runoff, and the stolen 2022 Arizona mid-term election that robbed Keri Lake of the governorship—it has become clear that though the Trump presidency had certainly been a good step in pushing back to some degree against the advances of the left in America and their intent to continue their Marxist revolution here, it has also become abundantly clear that a simple presidency was not sufficient to dismantle the six decades long purposeful degradation of our culture and polity at the hands of the left, and that neither President Trump’s nor Congress’ policies were sufficiently comprehensive for the task of securing the continuation of our democratic republic.

Large swaths of the American population have been effectively propagandized through the schools and media to support tenets of the left that cut at the heart of our American republic and its Judeo-Christian values and developed rule of traditional law.

A significant percentage of American citizens consider it acceptable to murder unborn babies in the womb at their mother’s demand at some point in a pregnancy. In this manner our most vulnerable emerging citizens are effectively stripped of their right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

A significant percentage of American citizens believe that our First Amendment speech protection should not be comprehensive, and should not extend to words and concepts that they find objectionable, and that incarceration is warranted if these culturally prohibited words and concepts are spoken. A high percentage of Democrat citizens believe that refusing to use a non-birth gender pronoun for a transsexual person should result in said refuser being incarcerated, which effectively cuts at the heart of the First Amendment of our Constitution, and is therefore a philosophy subversive to the original American ethos.

A significant percentage of American citizens believe that white police officers specifically target black men to kill them, which is provably untrue by verifiable statistics—a major propaganda victory for the left as the marginalization and dismantling of the police is a target goal of theirs as a step in their plans to deconstruct American society and leave it defenseless and therefore in need of increased federal government intervention and control.

A significant percentage of American citizens now believe that the existence of traditional patriotic Americans justifies the addition of a new category of “domestic terrorism.”  These “terrorists” then should be pursued, harassed, and prosecuted by the F.B.I., the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice for their beliefs and the manner in which they live their lives.

A significant percentage of American citizens believe that calling out fraudulent elections and that protesting such occurrences is sufficient to justify protestors’ imprisonment and torture.

A significant percentage of American citizens believe that socialism would be preferable to our traditional capitalism, though socialism always leads to violence by government against the citizenry and the impoverishment of the populace, and cuts against the high levels of freedom guaranteed in our Constitution.

There are now enough destructive tenets of the hard left that have been rendered acceptable to the American public, through decades of leftist propaganda, to potentially render solely democratic means insufficient to reclaim our republic in it’s original form, though we must at least attempt it within our strictly democratic structure initially. Benjamin Franklin stated that “Democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.” We have reached the point where a significant portion of our citizenry no longer holds the beliefs that have undergirded our originally conceived American Constitutional Republic.  These beliefs and tenets have traditionally allowed a strictly democratic form of government to exist in America, ensuring the continued protection of the individual rights guaranteed in our Constitution. Without these beliefs and tenets in place, there is no longer a safe foundation to support strict democracy.  Under a strictly democratic form in this case, elevated forms of oppression and violence against members of the citizenry who seek to exercise their rights freely will become the norm.

Major corporations and American foundations are most all on the side of the socialist left in its attempts to copy socialist political and social national catastrophes of the past. These organizations pour hundreds of millions of dollars into Marxist communist organizations like Black Lives Matter, of whose leadership co-founder Patrisse Cullors openly admits “we are trained Marxists.”  By admitting to this political alignment, she places Black Lives Matter in the historical lineage of worldwide communism, which has foisted onto the world the murder of 100 million human souls in the last century, rendering this aggregate political movement one of the greatest socially destructive forces in recorded human history.

This major foundation funding and public support make them virtually unstoppable forces in the targeting of American conservatives, and the destruction of American traditional civil and constitutional society.

Even Republicans and some Conservatives have bought into the false memes of the left, fueling the Marxist communist line and giving them even more strength with which to destroy us.

If enough Americans are effectively propagandized by the left, and/or Democratic Party voter fraud prevents free and fair elections from returning—then strict democracy will no longer further our traditional constitutional form of governance, as the rights guaranteed as the base of our constitutional republican structure will have been effectively stripped and lost at the hands of the majority vote of a subverted citizenry, or by fraudulent elections at the hands of the subversive hard left.

There are principles undergirding our Constitution far more powerful than every person receiving an equal vote, no matter how subversive these voters have become to traditional American values and to America’s founding Constitution. Should enough of the American public be propagandized sufficiently towards totalitarianism, or our national vote continue to be skewed heavily by leftist voter fraud, and the now hard left Democratic Party consistently is able thus to illicitly win the national popular vote and move to further strip our constitutionally protected rights—the time for the adherence to strict democracy will temporarily be over, until a forced hard reset can be accomplished in America, and the citizenry and our polity returned to their traditional forms.  Unfortunately, that time may well be close at hand.

As more of the American public is propagandized towards communism by the media and the school system, and as 1,000,000 people are encouraged to immigrate to the U.S. legally every year—and millions more allowed to enter illegally— from countries with systems and beliefs antithetical to American Constitutional beliefs, and as these immigrants regularly gain citizenship and vote in the first generation at a 70% rate for the subversive leftist party, bribing them with unwarranted financial aid to enter the country—the time for strict democracy may well indeed be coming to a temporary end in order to ensure the renewal of our traditional culture and polity.

The vote of the hard left Democratic Party must be negated until their nature and actions, having become subversive to our nation and her founding principles, have been neutered, giving the party sufficient time to reform away from their currently intended subversion of our institutions.

In other words—the long march through the institutions of our great country by hard leftists will be over for all time through a forced hard reset of government and society.

Make no mistake about it—members of the American hard left are our mortal enemies. They propagandize our youth, splitting our families, turning the young against their parents and grandparents. They spread provably false narrative propaganda throughout society through their captured media in an attempt to disrupt and overthrow our benevolent country as founded. We cannot rest until they have been fully marginalized, by whatever means necessary, in order to salvage our historically developed political and civic culture, at which time we can again return to our traditional democratic structure and live our lives again in societal and political safety and tranquility.

When Whittaker Chambers, former Soviet spy turned American patriot, experienced a profound religious conversion and subsequently left the Communist Party, he said that communism would triumph over freedom, because Conservatives could never match the communists’ intensity of faith. The only hope was for the free world to discover a power of faith, which will provide man’s minds at the same intensity, with the same two certainties; a reason to live, and a reason to die.

After reading those words, an American actor, Ronald Reagan, registered as a Republican for the first time in his life, and continued to take down the communist Soviet Empire by developing that same and greater faith and intensity.

The time has come to arise in our own greater faith, intensity, and determination; to deconstruct the corrosive force of the hard left in American society; to tear down their destructive institutions and marginalize their leaders, to imprison for treason or deport the most seditious of their people, and to rebuild the tenets of our original republic in the citizenry of our great country.

These treasonous individuals are not our countrymen, but rather traitors intent on the destruction of the society and way of life that sustains us all and allows us our historically unparalleled personal freedoms. They seek to strip these freedoms—we intend to fight to the death to preserve them.

We have until now acted as a group of friends having drinks on the decks of a beautiful home overhanging the edge of a cliff over the ocean, hearing a persistent sawing sound in the basement, yet never breaking free of the celebration to discover the cause of the sound. That sound was the hard left attacking the foundational pillars of the very house that holds up the celebration in safety.

What sane person would not sense the danger, expel the attackers with whatever force necessary to preserve the home and its inhabitants, before returning to the party in renewed security? But we have carried on with the party like blind fools, ignoring the destruction of the home’s pillars, not truly caring for the soundness of the structure, nor the people relying on it for their safety, exposing us all to the danger of plunging to our deaths in the ocean. We have simply complained about and reported on the attack on the pillars, without effectively stopping the attack dead in its tracks with sufficient force in order to return to the celebration in absolute safety.

There is no time left, and I for one refuse to see the destruction of America on my watch—to have history judge me for complacency in the face of a seemingly overwhelming evil. It is time to save our great country, and to employ means sufficient to accomplish this great goal—the re-establishment of our beloved United States on its traditional moral and civic pillars. God help us find within ourselves the courage, intensity, and absolute resolve necessary to save our great country—our only home.

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